Monday, March 07, 2005


So my mom is here until Tuesday lunchtime.

I forget how much this really disrupts things. It's nice that she's here, but it can wreak havoc on my mental state.

I wish there were some way to hammer into my mom's head that you can't just recover from something as severe as OCD, or bipolar, or borderline (all three of which I have been preliminarily diagnosed as) in the space of a year, especially without medication. She thinks that the "dumb blonde" side effect of Topomax is a "severe side effect". Man, I wonder what she'd think if I told her about the possible tardive dyskenesia side effect of Risperdal!


She knows I need help, she just, at the same time, seems resistant to me actually getting the kind of help I need, because it's a reminder to her that there's something "wrong" with me.

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